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raskolnikov created a topic of Joseon Sex Shop

Need me a guy like seme

raskolnikov created a topic of Double Trap

the emotions that go through me as i open each new update is like im doing gambling and i want it to be the main couple

raskolnikov created a topic of Sissy

The new character looks and behaves exactly like the first seme it's like they're related or something

raskolnikov created a topic of Bad Friend

The way seme speaks to him is so fcking harsh idk how the uke can still love him

raskolnikov created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Bro was gaslighting that mf all day and calls it his "best behavior" lmao

raskolnikov created a topic of Limited Run

He ate with that speech

raskolnikov created a topic of Double Trap

I genuinely want the night hyung to take over and make the other one disappear. But at the same time both of these personalities are different sides of one person so.. (rip Carl Jung he would have loved this manhwa)

raskolnikov created a topic of Pearl Boy

It's starting to look like an Indian movie

raskolnikov created a topic of Payback

Finally some good fucking food

raskolnikov created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

How does a grown ass man who is a LAWYER falls for a teenager's gaslighting and manipulation