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yuyugi September 29, 2018 12:19 am

So there’s this manga I read a while back and I’d like to read it again, but I only remember the story and not the title, mangaka, or the art style :’3

Uke is a good boy who basically only responds to the seme like a dog. (Ignores other people when they talk to him)

Seme gets pissed off at Uke since he thinks the uke is the one who stole his gf + money. He ends up not really raping but using toys and such on the uke to make him fess up where the gf is and all. Uke continues to be quiet and the seme gets a phone call that the gf was found w another man.

Turns out the uke was “blackmailed” in a sense by the gf since his feelings were found out.

The gf tells the seme that the uke is the one who let her run off w a diff man and the money-

And when the seme tells the uke that the gf told him the truth, the uke kinda freaks and ends up confessing his feelings Bc he thinks that the seme now knows everything (including how he felt, which the gf didnt tell him)

- seme is some gangster/yakuza type of thing if I recall


I’ve tried to use lists and tags to search but I haven’t found it yet orz

Google hasn’t been helping much I’m starting to feel like it’s one of those oneshots in a different manga orz

Ty in advance hhh

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