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SaiilovesU created a topic of Ruthless(Yuri)

the hell, is this a prank?????

SaiilovesU created a topic of Noraneko to Ookami

shes a minor that's my only issue here, . Why mangas always like minor girls and adult man??????? But i love the story smmm. Im contemplating whether to continue or nott

SaiilovesU created a topic of Predator Marriage

old woman so jealous!!! get out of here!!!!!

but the issue with the pink hair drag so much longggg. Love the moments with just them two

why she always sweaty????? I can't

as soon as i see himy face instantly goes

no unnecessary misunderstanding ( ˘ ³˘).

i hope she's preg tho

pls i thought she genuinely like the mc

is she here to kill the missing son pr protect, please enlighten meee. Nagsisimula nakong mainis sa mc, gurll I can't ship u with two people

SaiilovesU created a topic of Just Twilight

pls say YES, pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,pls say YES,

SaiilovesU created a topic of My introverted boy

spoil me what happened after chap34 pls pls psl (╥﹏╥)

SaiilovesU created a topic of DEAREST

pls switch, at least oncee pls pls pls

i need to know what happened, i can't waitttttt (-----___-----)

who tf is the ml i can't ship properly, blodie is so trashy and black hair dude don't do anything

im mad at siru rn,pls listen to ur sister

SaiilovesU created a topic of Cry, or Better Yet, Beg

i love the art it reminds me of mystical but fuck the ml i love kyleee , and base from the spoilers it get BADDD . I'LL STOP HERE WHILE ITS BETTER SO CIAO

SaiilovesU add manga to list fav

this is a webcomic from Weibo...

  • Author: Bite
  • Genres: Doujinshi / Webtoons / Romance