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Lollll its been awhile since I've read something so exciting and hilarious

chottomattey created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Bruh if I were him Id be fucking traumatized

chottomattey created a topic of Backlight

It still need some marinating cause its way too short arghhhhhhh
Gotta wait huuuuu

chottomattey asked a question

I need slowburns but have less than 20 chapters

chottomattey created a topic of Kamiya

He's litterally my only inspiration to become an engineer lmao

I hate myself like why does this happen every single time

chottomattey shared experience about question
chottomattey answered question about question
Bestie you're not bored, you're just procrastinating the things you were supposed to do so now you feel like you've got nothing to do when actually have A LOT of things to do. (This is directed to myself)

Dear lord I'm back again I just can't get enough of this PLEASE!!! update sooner PLEASE

chottomattey asked a question

Bls where one or both of them have animal characteristic (but they don't turn into animal cause I'm not really into that stuff) plssss

chottomattey created a topic of Renchin!
chottomattey created a topic of Friend Line

I wish we could see more of their moments as a couple TT

chottomattey created a topic of Number of Cases

Idc about yall cause I like it

chottomattey asked a question

Bls where like they kiss or do some stuff and be like "bruh no homo" but they end up together