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Splitter Titters's experience ( All 0 )

Splitter Titters's answer ( All 9 )

Mangago do be really dry but people need clout these days even if it means answer the same 200 questions they've seen before   1 reply
20 11,2020
-female -no answer -none -none -none -none -boku no pico -none -Asexual -yes -because I'm broke   reply
15 11,2020
And here I thought I was weird   1 reply
02 11,2020
Splitter Titters
02 11,2020
Two hairy ass rats I call chihuahuas   1 reply
02 11,2020
Istg if I ever see that mom she'll be 6ft under for doing this to you, how long has this been happening?   2 reply
24 10,2020

Splitter Titters's question ( All 3 )

about question
Why are people trying to sexualize the word mommy now was daddy not enough I can't even say my dad's name without getting uncomfortable and now people wanna try and make mommy kink a thing I am now a proud kink shamer. Like ya'll get off to someone acting like your child um that's weird
20 04,2021
Splitter Titters
20 04,2021
What's a trend on mangago that pisses you off
20 04,2021

People are doing

did going to concerts

Rage Against The Machine, Interpol, chevelle, staind, Tool, Pantera, Stone Temple Pilots, The Killers, Block Party, Oz Festival. And others

1 hours
want to do writing

I want to start writing a novel but to do that I think I could do it better if I had a writing group to write and share ideas with.

2 hours
want to do going to concerts

i need to see loona or i guess loosemble, artms, yves and chuu in concert one day brah i regret not going when they were near me so baddddd

7 hours