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Creamy_dreamer's feed

Creamy_dreamer created a topic of Night Fragments

Why would he say such means things about Vince even though he didn't directly say to Vince.... It's way too detailed for him to just be lying about that and the fact that he says it's a misunderstanding after saying a whole paragraph about Vince. Even I wouldn't want to listen Yeon's explaination it's way too personal and detailed and it's about the sensitive situation that Vince is having a hard time with... Aryka even said that he would support if he just be honest and tell the truth I mean it's obvious that he'll be hurt but at least he could be honest and not make more problems that he wouldn't be able to solve!! I don't think either of them can be excused both Vince and Yeon are way to selfish and hurt others in the process of trying to make themselves feel better ...haaaa