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Meli April 30, 2021 12:48 am

Wow it was getting so good, it’s sad how we have to wait four months. However I hope the author is feeling good and gets plenty of rest, they deserve it after giving this hell of a good story. Cant wait for season 3!!

Meli November 25, 2020 7:10 am

This story was absolutely good, the plot was very interesting and there was even events that took place that left me shocked. I felt very bad for Alex Because although his actions were wrong, it was all due to the lack of affection he had as a young child. His therapist really believed that if he was given another chance to change as a person despite his bad actions then he will be able to find the love that that he deserves as a child and find true happiness. This leads me to the point that Clark shouldn’t have played with his emotions, he knew that despite Alex being a serial killer, he was emotionally unstable. Due to Clark’s manipulation and confusing Alex’s feelings, Alex was driven to make wrong choices again which has lead for the chance to find happiness to go to waste. I personally believe that Clark shouldn’t have manipulated Alex, and Alex would’ve have gotten better emotionally and grown as a person If he didn’t use that chance he was given with Clark. Overall it was a good story and sorry for writing too much lol

    RedShipper November 28, 2020 4:19 am

    I felt like I read this with a straight face, in some moments I laughed tho. But i went chapter after chapter and made it to the end so you could say when you pick it up, and have seen some sh*t that's out there, you will make it to the end wether you like it or not. (︶︿︶)

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