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randomhomie05 created a topic of Into The Thrill

this is such an interesting story i’ve never seen anything like this before

randomhomie05 created a topic of Waterside Night

everyone thinks taeju is a green flag now but if you look closely you can see these panels where he has these crazy, obsessive eyes, where his face is just screaming “im going to trap him”—and his concern over euihyun’s suicidal thoughts are all because of his desperation of losing him (not actual compassion for his well being). yeah, he’s playing nice now because he’s “in love” but he’s actually obsessed, and he has the capability to manipulate euihyun, which he kinda is doing rn. taeju hasn’t actually changed all that much….

randomhomie05 created a topic of Gig of the Day

i KNOW this author read jinx and said “what if i made this better”

randomhomie05 created a topic of To You In The Swamp

so are we not gonna talk about how horrible that SA was this author has not written the uke well mf just added as many smut scenes as possible

randomhomie05 created a topic of Secretary to Stage

he’d do better as a pornstar lmfao

randomhomie05 created a topic of Glass Flower
randomhomie05 created a topic of Jinx
randomhomie05 created a topic of Limited Run

dude i love the fancy language

randomhomie05 created a topic of Gig of the Day
randomhomie05 created a topic of Can't Think Straight

first seme i have EVER seen progress this far

“there’s no time to touch in-seob’s body” yeah bc ur singular brain cell is focused on ramming ur weiner into him with no regard to his actual wellbeing