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Both mls are stupid and suck

Ireene created a topic of Our Sunny Days

its so funny and cutee and the soldier ml HAS A GYATTT LIKE DAYUMMMMM. Anyways they both fine im so jealous i want them both

Ireene created a topic of No Moral

Ouuuuuu okay mr kang is so fine im so jealous i want him to b my bf too but we up

im no better than a man but why does ayato have a bigger booty than me like damn

Ireene created a topic of Pittosporum

I think im inlove with you.. you stole my heart please be mine

Ireene created a topic of Love Cycling

It finished too fast ㅠ.ㅠ

Ireene created a topic of Pittosporum

Thats fucking disgusting. Cheating is so gross and stupid. If you dont want to b w the person you’re with break it off instead of getting with someone else and causing them agony and also letting your kid see that is horrible he was a little kid and he didn’t even look like he was sorry he just going onto it like he didn’t care. Its disgusting rlly i hope sonó hopefully yano(i think its his name) helps bring a little bit of happiness into his life because its sad really no kid should ever have to go through something like that. :( and i hope sonos mom gets some help too