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Street Urchin April 1, 2019 3:58 pm

This story is about a girl who the artist sometimes draws as a Hamster, and a boy who is in love with her. The boy bullies her, and is sometimes portrayed as a snake.

Thank you again.

Street Urchin February 18, 2019 5:19 pm

I believe it's a series of sorts. Where characters from one manga, become main characters in another.

Yaoi/Shounen Ai

I'd like the one, where a student council member is always butting heads with someone from the athletic student. I believe this student plays tennis. The tennis player ends up getting bullied of sorts by the student council guy, and the student council guy is trying to act tough but doesn't know about relationships either.

The spin-off or prequal, is where athletic student is on the swim team. And he butts heads with I think the student council president.

Thanks in advance.

Street Urchin August 24, 2018 3:58 pm

It's a yaoi series. two best friends (C & D)
C is naive and has a relationship with a neighbour who is older, and kind of sex fiend. When C's parents decide to move, he moves in with his now lover. C also tries to hide his relationship from D because he doesn't want to corrupt him.

D has his sites on someone else, and is not so naive. He finds a lover at a parttime job, which the boss is friends with C's lover.

The series starts with them being seniors in high school, and continues to them going to college. Where another guy (foreigner) takes an interest in C.

It gets confusing, just want to know either the author or manga.

Thanks in advance.

Street Urchin August 23, 2018 11:49 pm

I am looking for Yaoi about a kid who has a much older lover. He’s kind of naive. He doesn’t want his best friend to know. So his friend is corrupted.

His best friend has a very serious face. Knows fully well what is going on. And falls for the acquaintance of his friends boyfriend. He gets a job to pay for his moms birthday gift. Because it has to be expensive and bought with his own money.

Thanks again

Street Urchin February 12, 2018 2:11 am

Please help. Been trying to find through tags. No lick.

It’s yaoi/shounen ai there’s a biy who got to go to a prestigious school, commutes to and from. Works while taking care of two little brothers (twins) they are toddlers. And the art and stule are older. There’s a few that probably fit the description but help is appreciated. Thanks.

Street Urchin August 24, 2017 1:03 pm

i am looking for a manga I read awhile back and totally forgot to save it.

The storyline is at a college where an art professor falls for a normal professor. The students (who are fans of art prof) bully the other. Then art professor finds a new location for his studio...this is where i left off.

Thanks for any help. It is appreciated.

    takame August 24, 2017 1:52 pm

    hold on, that's the one where they had the same surname and some girls were quite upset that they are close but they don't suit each other?
    wait, i'll check my notes

    Street Urchin August 24, 2017 11:51 pm
    hold on, that's the one where they had the same surname and some girls were quite upset that they are close but they don't suit each other? wait, i'll check my notes...here takame

    Nope, not that one but it looks interesting will give it a read

    Street Urchin August 24, 2017 11:52 pm
    hold on, that's the one where they had the same surname and some girls were quite upset that they are close but they don't suit each other? wait, i'll check my notes...here takame

    Thank you ^^

Street Urchin July 10, 2017 3:43 pm


I am looking for yaoi where the one of the MC is a model and is in love with his cousin; he also dislikes vegetables. His cousin and he go to the same college.

Thank you again.

Street Urchin March 15, 2017 7:38 pm

I have a manga stuck in my head but cannot fond it. Help appreciated.

It's yaoi. And one of the main characters stays at home, think they are a writer. And was known in high school for being dark and unsociable. And never noticed the friend who stays by his side loves him, even though he gets meals brought to him every day as adults.

The other is gay and works in what i think is construction. He cones to clean and cook for the guys he loves and is basically ignored. He finally snaps when he cones over and botices his friend called a woman over for sex...even thiugh he had sex with a man in the alley way.

Please help.

Street Urchin September 6, 2016 11:23 pm

This isn't exactly detailed, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a manga, where a mc sees his father having sex with a young guy around his age, and then the mc ends up having sex with an older business dressed man who is impotent at a hotel...

Ever get a story stuck in your head and you just wondering, "who wrote that? I know everything but the title and mangaka" Lol

thanks again.

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