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anne March 23, 2018 8:25 am

i need help for my topic's take home message. My topic is about parenting style in 21st century on excessive usage of gadget by the children. I'm so bad at delivering the messages for the audiences at the end of topic. if you guys could help, i would feel so grateful towards you :') . if you have any idea on what kind of message is suitable, please tell me your thought

thankyou in advance tho :)

    LaughingAardvark March 23, 2018 9:45 am

    Sorry but what's a take home message?

    Akicchi March 23, 2018 10:15 am
    Sorry but what's a take home message? LaughingAardvark

    Like after writing or creating something, the author sometimes wishes for the reader to learn something from it or "take it home" with them.
    That sort of gist.

    Akicchi March 23, 2018 10:16 am

    Maybe your message could be something about addiction to said devices and maybe some consequences of it? Seems like the kind of thing that could end badly... or have an incomplete ending.

    anne March 23, 2018 10:22 am
    Like after writing or creating something, the author sometimes wishes for the reader to learn something from it or "take it home" with them.That sort of gist. Akicchi

    yes , its something like that

    anne March 23, 2018 10:25 am
    Maybe your message could be something about addiction to said devices and maybe some consequences of it? Seems like the kind of thing that could end badly... or have an incomplete ending. Akicchi

    i was thinking like this too, man i feel so blank rn. incomplete ending like how?

    LaughingAardvark March 23, 2018 10:46 am

    When I was a kid my friends and I would talk and laugh, run around and play make believe games. It seems to me that kids today just sit in the same room with each other hand play on their devices. I've even heard about families that text each other at the dinner table. I think that overuse of devices stunts the imagination, inhibits learning how to interact with others, causes kids to be unable to handle boredom, and makes them physically unfit. In short, overuse of devices is physically and mentally unhealthy. I hope this helped some.

    cat knight bytes March 23, 2018 11:31 am
    When I was a kid my friends and I would talk and laugh, run around and play make believe games. It seems to me that kids today just sit in the same room with each other hand play on their devices. I've even h... LaughingAardvark

    That was very well said. I agree with you.

    Akicchi March 23, 2018 12:36 pm
    i was thinking like this too, man i feel so blank rn. incomplete ending like how? anne

    Hmmm like those sort of open endings which leave people thinking sort of thing. Like leaving a final phrase or sentence which really makes the audience or whoever will view it think about what your message is and how serious it really is.
    (I hope I'm making sense sorry T_T)

anne September 21, 2017 6:26 am

anyone knows any manga where the seme is a celebrity/famous and the uke is just a common guy?

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