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ranhoe-san July 21, 2021 4:05 am

Omfg i literally screaaamed when i say that theres an update

ranhoe-san July 12, 2021 11:18 am

Downing an ice cold drink cause this shits too hot

ranhoe-san's questions ( All 4 )

ranhoe-san July 22, 2023 1:53 pm

GUYYSSS pls help me im tryna find the hailyuu dj where oikawa was struggling to speak ( or mute) and was able to say words when he amd iwaizumi fought

ranhoe-san July 17, 2021 11:56 am

Sooooo i saw this on tiktok but the title is in korean but tge story goes like there are two sisters. The black haired one gets all the attention of the parents and there's this scene where the other sister ( orangey colored hair) was holding a small trophy but the black haired one was being congratulated by the parent and she was holding a bigger trophy. Fast forward , the orangey haired sister is now married but on the sidewalk she saw her sister and her husband talking and the husbamd basically is inti her sister and not her. She was carrying something idk but they heard her then this poor girl ran away from those two and she was run over by a car. Sad thing is that while she was sprawled on the ground, bleeding and all that shit, she saw her husband covering her sister's eyes as if protecting her from the bloody scene. Like wtf you faggot, your wife was hit by a car, bleeding her shit out. Soooo guys i dont know the title please help me dear hooman.

Sorry for the long ass description

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Photo from Album 03-02 07:30

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