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Rjhay created a topic of King of the Mound

Wait? What? End? It can't be!!!!! Need more of this!!!

Rjhay created a topic of System Royale

There is one chapter missing. Chapter 1part 2 where he's being hunted by the doctor because of the mission and then his brother came in time to save him.

If dr. Kang can read this please after you broke all the People here 'aggressively' please heal them 'gently' hahaha

I can't with this peoples haha the comment section is wild right now

Can i ask? Is his second brother terron is back here or at least know where he is???

The lich might have take control of the prince body in the first life....

The mother know everything.... Remember when she was about to die she was going to tell him something but he stoped her and give her elixir and they never talk over it again






Should i also hit and damage my d*ck so it can get bigger and stronger??? Hahaha

Rjhay created a topic of Absolute Necromancer

Just used the damn necromancer power already!!! She's using all her equipment but you are not allowed???!!! What the hell!!!???

Aren't they cousins cuz they have the same bloodline? Fuck of 1st prince live her alone!!!

Rjhay created a topic of Toxin

Episode 20: annoying bitch
Episode 21: yeah i definitely hate that bitch weather she's good or not period.....

I think the first is older brother is the only sane here (the one who doesn't like the rules of the family and left) and maybe the other sister too (who is chasing all demon left and right)

I think it's his damn sister who put that letter to the cousin book....

Rjhay created a topic of Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Lower undead and spirits may be scared of him but he migjt be compatible with higher undead and spirits just like demon king and spirit king maybe beast can handle him like his horse (more like griffin lol)

Rjhay created a topic of Little Mushroom

Please don't change the artist and the arts it's already beautiful as it is hope they will continue this like this until the end of the story

There's no harem here maybe because there is a lot of girls but no romance more like master servant relationship or partners in business and so on.... The tag is misleading sometimes....

The way he have been missing for ten years has a reasons one, he might be the protagonist of the story like others or two, he is the villain here too....

Rjhay created a topic of Beta Count Has Changed

So where can i read the extras of this??? I've been trying to find it but no avail hahaha