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Eli created a topic of Gentle Forest

I wish my boyfriend was like this caring

Eli followed a goer
Eli followed a goer

ur mum

9 days
Eli followed a goer
19 days
Eli followed a goer
14 04,2024
Eli followed a goer

tbh i read anything since im a dumbass -
that also means my ratings are nonsense /
indefinite probably because my brain thinks
every story is fine right after reading (sorry)
— pfp from: himono, tokodoki, shanairen'ai
(ch. 1, pg. 20)

→ april 14, 2024
im currently trying to update and put in (almost) everything i read before i tried to put them on
mangago (2022-2023 ish)
i apologize for the lack of ratings / descriptions until then since im basing it off my goldfish
→ april 15, 2024
i finished updating my list!! honestly i don't even reading some of them, plus i didn't add any
from the old list that i consider "bad", but it was still a lot to add lol. sorry once again for the
large amount of mangas with no ratings!
- start: akuma ha tengoku ni ikitakunai!
- end: mister gravure

14 04,2024
Eli created a topic of Define The Relationship

I won’t be surprised if he gets pregnant (not complaining tho)

Sipe asked a question

Any bl where the couple is open about their relationship.
Like it can be that the other one let's everyone who is asking know and isn't ashamed to say it. Jsut some fluff or something sweet relationships

28 03,2024 reply(0)
repost reposted by Eli
Eli followed a goer

27 03,2024
Eli created a topic of Work Love Balance

It’s going to be year now where’s season 2 ??

Eli created a topic of Bad Friend

His kink reminded me of origin of species

Eli followed a goer


06 03,2024
Eli followed a goer


06 03,2024