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Zoe created a topic of Roses and Champagne

I was supposed to be reviewing for my exams but I decided to just read and finish this. Well goodluck to me I guess.

Zoe created a topic of Dirty High
Zoe created a topic of Unfinished Business

ok mido, calm the fvck down

I did get a hunch that the guy was part of the plan but it didn't occur to me it's gonna be like "that" messed up

Zoe created a topic of Yours to Claim
Zoe created a topic of Dark Fall

thank you demon tentacle that we get to see an octopus mephisto and witness his hotness to this time

Zoe created a topic of Yours to Claim

if things will go that way make it more miserable

YTC= Yahwi To Cain

Zoe created a topic of Dark Fall

he was saved from the ugly guy but at what cost (a mephisto scene!!!)

Zoe created a topic of Salty Lust

if you can't handle this much now then drop this now cause soon there will be 5 of 'em

Zoe created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

Everyone we made it! We've come this far enough to witness this moment