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Aslanvicchan's experience ( All 0 )

Aslanvicchan's answer ( All 2 )

I had a dream where my girl crush (and classmate) was hugging me and the next time I know, she started kissing me roughly until I fell on the bed. She removed my t-shirt and the next thing I knew, we were both wearing bras and undies. Idk, weird shit. My first "erotic" dream. Fucking weird. W e i r d. I wasn't able to look at her in the eye for th......   reply
27 01,2021
To be honest, I don't really know. His jokes are below the belts most of the time. He wants me to listen to him whenever he rants or have a problem but he never listen to me. Although we are friends we argue a lot and he is a fucking annoying asshole. I just woke up and realized that I like him. I hate it. ╥﹏╥   reply
07 12,2020

Aslanvicchan's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did survived suicide

tried numerous times and i still failed, might just jump next

2 hours
did survived suicide

0/10 not recommend
Seriously tho... It got me into therapy and it somehow helped but I still don't wish for others to experience the same

5 hours
want to do survived suicide

covid was crazy

5 hours