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Rhina created a topic of The Teijo Academy 2
Rhina created a topic of In the Doghouse

she gonna have to really level up to match that freak, Got big bro holding back the goon

If I'm crazy just tell me but I'm pretty sure a months break does not mean 3 plus years
Like am I the only one who keeps coming back to the story to see if it's been break over yet

Rhina created a topic of One-Way Romance

Honestly if my cat looks like that I loved it, At least I know it has a Built-in sense of humor

Rhina created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Why is nobody talking about the fact that he literally said they smell like goon

Rhina created a topic of In the Doghouse

Ermm guys that's a whole other man.

Rhina created a topic of In the Doghouse

2 chapters wow we are being spoiled

Rhina created a topic of Profundis

Stop... because why does this chapter make me thing the writer of this book is normal now

Like is it just me,but when these "type" of books have a heart tapping moment everything that happened 2 or 4 chapters ago is for

Rhina created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

The way I know that this story is literally nonconsensual what so ever and I keep opening each chapter
I'm feeding myself the abuse

Rhina created a topic of Crush and Burn

So am I like the dumb ass here or what because I re-read the shit 4 times and I don't see the disproportional bod to head ratio, like I draw myself and I'm not all that good at anatomy and stuff but Like I'm lost so can someone screw the bulb for me, so my brain lights back up

Rhina created a topic of Profundis

This book is like shiting in my hand and clapping it together

Rhina created a topic of Define The Relationship

Tell me why I knewww he was going to act like that
Man really said hold up baby what I saw last night wasn't me it was that dogg in me.likeee we not the sameee

This is a bit long
But can someone tell me like how far the book is in progress? Because I read it whenever it came out, and I want to pick it up again. But I want to know, like how far into the book they are compared to the novel and how accurate it is. Thank you ヾ(^-^)ノ

Rhina created a topic of Double Trap

I'm glad not the only one who was like, let me take a double check because I swear I saw the lips and a clit

Rhina like topic of Wet Sand

I just really don’t like Ian right mow. Jo don’t feel how loose that booty is orrr ??

Rhina created a topic of Thirst

the Kyle part is giving South park

Rhina created a topic of Define The Relationship

Let's just say the author outdid their selves this time

Rhina created a topic of Jinx

This my people is gaslighting at its peak

Rhina created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

So when you decide to tell your therapist the truth about how you really feel and then they switch up on you

Im on book 5 now but what book is the manhua on