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harubom's experience ( All 0 )

harubom's answer ( All 2 )

about have sex
i mostly feel good just flicking the bean but i ain't gonna have a problem sticking a finger, but they say it feels better to use other things than ur finger to put up there tho, too scared to try it. i even do it when i have period when taking a shower but i don't stick my finger inside i just flick the bean lmao. sometimes i need to watch porn to......   1 reply
18 02,2021
i mean he's cute and cool when he grew up so why not   reply
28 11,2020

harubom's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

Ruthlessness is Mercy Upon Ourselves

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

“How about me?
Who already fell for you.
Did you really just let me go?”
Pano by Zack Tabudlo. His songs always hit hard.

3 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

cause i think i've fallen
in love this time
i blinked and suddenly, i had a valentine

9 hours