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wobgobblers created a topic of Jinx
wobgobblers created a topic of Jinx

new guy needs to break JK's shoulder and humble him so now he won't have shit going for him

wobgobblers created a topic of Death Or Love
wobgobblers created a topic of Jinx

holy shit, can this author stop making Dan always suffer and maybe for once have something bad happen to JK??

wobgobblers created a topic of Jinx

I want to hug Dr Dan and whisk him away from this story :(

wobgobblers created a topic of Jinx

LEAVEEE!!! let him lose his next match

wobgobblers created a topic of Jinx

I hope he dislocates his shoulder and fucking loses

wobgobblers created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I hope a slow painful death to Cirrus' father and whoever this bitch with this fuck ass bob is

you lost a good man, Savannah. A GOOD man