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jubaba created a topic of Exchange Student

what the fart bruh..

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Yeah its a bittersweet feeling. Im in 11th grade and have been reallt close with my friend group since 7th. We were all super close all throughout covid so our humour and personalities all formed together and we all really enjoy eachothers presense. Recently tho ive felt doubts and I kow im outgrowing at least 2 of them. I dont know how to explain ......
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Romance Protagonists that I find cool, strong and lovely. 
Someone that I can relate or root for.
(No whiny, overly cheerful crybabies lol. I hate em)

Not adding bL cuz sometimes i also have sudden urg to read romance manga that has female lead (or on rare occurrence a male lead)or maybe just a romance manga that is either shoujo, shounen,seinen or josei.
Here I go~

29 11,2023
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26 09,2023