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I’ve read BL long enough that uncensored no longer scares me what does is the unnatural size authors make them.

Honey-BEE created a topic of Crush and Burn

Is Ken wearing Agio’s old choker!!! ヾ(☆▽☆)

Honey-BEE created a topic of Crush and Burn

DESTINED PARTNER! Boyyyyyy! You need to move on! There was never room for you like that!
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Honey-BEE created a topic of Macguffin

Dang… F U MOM! F U! The seme and mom were both wrong at first but at least the Seme quickly learned his mistake, the mom though! SMH! He could have gotten better sooner if the mom didn’t hide him and the kid for years and let them talk it out!!! SMH!

Honey-BEE created a topic of Love your love enemy

I hope mitsuru gets together with his supportive bodyguard! Glad he did actually mean s*x though he’s bad at explaining! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

He needed to hear that. He’s being a complete jerk and manipulating his feelings knowingly by sleeping around. SMH (︶︿︶)=凸

Honey-BEE created a topic of Secretary to Stage
Honey-BEE created a topic of Star Struck

ML is so manipulative and annoying. I hope he has to beg on his knees for his friend to forgive him.

Honey-BEE created a topic of Crush and Burn

I guess Vercike doesn’t hate Agia and just loves Ken?? I need to know what happened! Did Vercike cause Agias death or something in their past life? How did they DIEEEEE!!

Not satisfied with the ending. Kaaba should have apologized and explained why he called him average behind his back. But then again with an MTL translation it might’ve gotten lost.

One of the cutest stories I’ve ever read! I need more on there married life!!!

Honey-BEE created a topic of Crush and Burn

Do you’ll remember that chapter where the $hitty priest lady showed Agia what happens to the past agia’s? Do you guys think all the past agia’s are still alive and in pain because Agia can’t die and that’s why he wants to die so bad. To end the cycle? But also obviously the creepy church is up to something and lying to him. Hmmmmm?

The D is insane!!!! (⊙…⊙ ) The author read one omegaverse and decided they need to write BL!!!

Honey-BEE created a topic of Sugar Rain


I’m not a big fan of the “Assault them until they figure ot they have feelings for you oh” trope

Honey-BEE created a topic of Secretary to Stage

The author is making it SOOOO CLEAR that Hosup doesn’t have a chance. Evertime he’s thinking of Doyoung , doyoung is either thinking of gang or doing gang. The only love triangle is in Hosup’s brain. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

The unnecessarily R word along with a rushed ending ruined for me honestly.