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¬°`; June 5, 2024 4:08 pm

"I'm here. I've made it."

She freed it from that something that she burned. But it transferred to her body instead.

I was told by my former classmate that her grandmother was a spiritist and because of that, she can't have dolls as it will turn into a medium or a portal for spirits. She once received a doll as a gift and it was eventually possessed. Once her grandma heard about it, she eventually traveled to her place and burned the doll along with a prayer. From then on, she was not allowed to touch dolls. This one here was just burnt without proper exorcism so it just transferred to another host.

¬°`; March 15, 2024 12:20 pm

To me

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아주 빠져가지고 July 22, 2021 5:44 am

I read it before in manga rock but haven't finished it since it was still on going when manga rock quit.

It was about a guy who's being denied by his wife to have sex with her cuz he's not doing well in his job. The wife married him cuz he's a smart geek and is known for his achievements during their university days and thought that she will have a better life with him. Before she married him, she was having an affair with their university's famous playboy and dumped him later to get married. That guy became her husband's boss and is gaining more salary than him so the wife is always upset and later divorced him. Now, the loser guy got to know a hot younger college girl who is their neighbour and saved her from an awkward underwear situation and became acquainted with her. After his co-worker gets to know about his situation with his ex-wife, he apologised and confessed that he saw the ex-wife and boss together before they divorced and thought it was weird. He also ratted him out that that playboy boss was only successful in his job cuz he takes the loser guy's project propsal reports that he mocked and rejected. He mocked the loser guy's proposals to lower his self esteem and rejected it only to take credit for it by changing the subjects but still using the same methods and ideas and submit it to the higher ups later. He was so angry when he knew it but because of all the mockings he heard, he believed it all and made him a coward that only does what he was ordered to do and forgot that he's actually smart. So after knowing about it, he only wants to resign and find another job. But his co-worker told him that the boss might use his connections to make his applications rejected and told him that everything might have been related to his ex-wife. He convinced him to secretly go to the boss's house and see if their theory is true and actually saw the two there. Seeing how the boss flexing the luxury he gained from stealing his hard work and his ex-wife enjoying the stolen luxury, he wants to take every credit back to take revenge on the boss and make the ex-wife crawl back to him. The co-worker helped him by taking him to the "outdoor meeting" held at the club that offers prostitution services in a secured private room and introduced him to their ceo. The ceo was excited to meet him as the co-worker talked good about him so much and they later talked about a project the loser guy had in mind that was only showcased for their meeting so the boss has no idea about it or else it'll get stolen too. The ceo was shocked to hear such well made proposal and when he asked who he works under, the ceo got confused as to why he didn't knew he's under his favourite employee's department. The co-worker confessed about all the dirt they did to the loser guy and the ceo got even more angry and felt betrayed as he trusted the boss and even became his favorite. The three later joined hands to out the boss and humiliated him and he received a warning. The ceo didn't punished the boss enough, instead, he took the loser guy out of his department to offer him to become the ceo of the company he created to implement the project proposal they talked about at the private club. It is not only to make up for the negligence of letting the stealing happen within the company but also because the stolen projects dis so much help to the company and also his latest proposal deserves a subsidiary company as it is not enough to just make it as another project within the company. If I remember correctly, I think the project has something to do with starting an online platform for webtoons. He succeeded later and the college girl neighbour he had became his girlfriend and is helping him make his ex-wife regret and jealous.

That's all I could remember. I made it as detailed as I can as this is the only adult webtoon I know that has good plot. I found it here back then and saw it being completed but I didn't have an account before so I lost it. Please help me

아주 빠져가지고 July 19, 2021 1:41 am

I'm fücking bored ( ̄へ ̄)

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COPIED (Title please!!) 07-25 17:58
I'm fücking bored ( ̄へ ̄) 07-19 04:36
Why stay salty? 11-03 02:30

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