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Kou created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

God I didn’t know this group were so toxic to the OG Sihyeon I didn’t know or remember that they didn’t even help him when Sihyeon needed their help the most. YOU TELLING ME YOU FUCKERS IGNORED HIS CALL FOR HELP?! FUCK YOU GUYS

I changed my mind, I’m glad that mafia guy or bodyguard that was in Hajin’s life is the ML. Yeah they still have yet to develop romance but he’s more better than these fuckers group being with Sihyeon/Hajin.

I want the ending for this story is for Sihyeon/Hajin officially leaving the group, take OG Sihyeon’s sister and live and raise her until she’s old enough to be independent and live with the ML and also making a small grave or shrine for the OG Sihyeon