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Ok i didn’t know this existed until I saw the comments of the other one being a reupload so I came here. I’m on chapter 20 right now and all I gotta say: gurl, you said and have been following the quote “If it’s a fight I can’t avoid, then I should fight with everything I have because that’s as important as victory” from your mother but from what I can see you’re clearly losing Edward has been carrying your ass 24/7 when you’re trying to get your “revenge”. You’re a pushover and submissive wife who gets troubled and nervous when trying to get back to your asshole husband. This make it look like the female lead from abandoned empress is better than you

Is dying and regressing is the only way for female leads to actually get stronger?

Those thoughts aside, I hope future chapters are better and female lead stop acting like a pushover and submissive (non-nsfw way). Like yeah she’s talented in swords but is that it? You can’t claim yourself to be super strong with sword alone when you can’t even fight back against your blonde husband without Edward.

Plus it’s like her mother, Lancia is the only strong woman in this story that can actually fight without being 100% dependent. I’m sure this is no longer a spoiler because it’s so obvious and this is a cliche plot twist already.

I will continue reading the story now. Hopefully this female lead grow a bone or two to actually get stronger and stop being a pushover for once. Maybe reading Medea and Roxana made me changed my expectations of strong female leads although Medea has fallen so I’ll replace her with Psyche since she’s the real strong female lead that moved on from being a pushover