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Kou created a topic of Maria no Danzai

The husband will surely discover his ex wife has been doing those acts but the question is will be arrest or keep this a secret. I blame him but at the same time I don’t but to be honest, as a detective he could have paid attention when Maria said it. He has worked dozens of cases and listening to victims’ call for help but when it comes to his own son he doesn’t do anything and call it a “teenager problems”

What I want for this ending is hopefully Maria gets her revenge because she and her son deserves justice even if it’s wrong. These minors won’t even be punished because of the fucked up law Japan has. Even if it’s wrong, it’s more weird to see murderers having a normal and blissful life after murdering someone and ruining countless lives for their enjoyment.

Also as last note, this is entire fictional and please do not do this in real life. Your actions in real life will have a more punishable consequences than in this manga, your life is not a manga or comic plot if you think you will also recover this easily. Let this fiction be a lesson learn instead and for you to do better in reality