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winenight May 22, 2021 3:15 am


Honestly, both their families are so shitty. It’s all cause of the families fault that they both have such big like humongous misunderstanding with each other. They genuinely like each other, well Winter really does. And ooof the upcoming chapters are hectic. Basically (it’s been a while since I’ve read this) but Winter does everything for her, he thought she was a princess so she should deserve the best and he assumed it would be money. He’s heavily brainwashed by his “parents” -which aren't his real parents. There’s so much pain in Winters backstory but so is Violet. On his wedding night he had to leave for the capital cause of the mess at the wedding but he did tell the servants to tell Violet but they didn’t. He had dresses for her and everything but the mother always sent them back. The brother of Violet and winters parents are together and literally manipulate Violet etc. Winter finds out though about the family and their treatment with her and as far as I read Winter wants Violet to move to the capital together (where the night old maid lady is(the hotel staff)). And he even buys her property which she gets money monthly allowance (and is allowed to spend as much as she wants) almost all her money disappears... so he assumes she spends it and just enjoys wearing dull colours and doesn’t like accessories but Infact Violet didn’t have much money to work with that’s why she bought those clothes. And when he did a through investigation we find out that a bunch of violets monthly money goes to this womanizer club typa guy (causing more misunderstanding to as why Violet gives her money to him). But Infact Violet hadn’t have any idea. Also don’t blame Winter (he’s so fucking genuine and he really does like her) he might have a shitty personality but he tries his best for her. Their cute together but soo many misunderstandings and lack of communication. Also Winter is hellaaaaaa loyal, and he’s respectful Bc he respects Violet a lot and thought she didn’t want anything with him (that’s why he tried to do his best for her so she can like him the very least).

    mikkah May 22, 2021 3:24 am

    thank u sm for this!!! (/TДT)/

    That Fujoshi May 22, 2021 3:46 am

    Thank you soo much !

    Deathscythe May 22, 2021 5:53 am

    I agree. Damn winter his actions are being misunderstood so much. One of my fave things that shows how loyal he is to violet is when

    He left right after the wedding. The moment he realized that Violet wed him where he has no money or even a title from the royal family(coz biatch bro commited a breach of contract) he panicked coz he wont be able provide for violet the same life she had when she was a princess. He basically ignored that he lost a lot of money coz of the scheme of the brother at that moment and is more concerned if he can gather enough money to give violet the life he thinks she deserves so she wont leave him. Hence, why he suddenly left the wedding reception. Coz he thinks he needs money to keep violet happy during marriage. But poor violet only wanted Winter.

winenight March 11, 2021 5:40 pm

Spoiler + I think I know when they might switch

She tries to kill herself (shit was so fucking sad that I cried) then they switch. I think whenever she kills herself she switches bodies with him which is why she always survives and doesn’t die. So maybe if she kills herself from his body that might work but yeah....

    Indigo March 11, 2021 6:25 pm

    Wait so if she tries to kill herself with a physical wound instead, would they just switch and the wound disappears on her body?

    Atsuko_09 March 11, 2021 7:24 pm

    My poor baby girl ┗( T﹏T )┛I JUST WANT HER TO BE HAPPY

    Mananai March 11, 2021 8:34 pm
    Wait so if she tries to kill herself with a physical wound instead, would they just switch and the wound disappears on her body? Indigo

    Yes it is


    In the next suicide she shoot herself, and when they switch there is no trace of wound on her body

    Indigo March 11, 2021 9:37 pm
    Yes it isSpoilerIn the next suicide she shoot herself, and when they switch there is no trace of wound on her body Mananai

    Ah okay thanks for explaining!

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