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owows March 13, 2024 11:44 pm

i love Hyun

owows February 28, 2024 4:26 am

I think Shizuma is a little self-centered, he doesn't recognize his own mistakes.. or maybe I think this because I really love Minato too much and it makes me sad that he is always the one who tries to overcome his toxic attitudesā”—( Tļ¹T )ā”›

(I really love Minato, he's my baby)

    Heu77 February 28, 2024 4:51 am

    And his apologies are quite shallow.

    Qxeen_zxy February 28, 2024 5:36 am

    Sorry if this turns into a rant but I hate shizumas attitude so feel free to skip if you want!

    If you remember, he said that he wished his ex gf told him before she left him that she was having a hard time but SHE DID! She literally went up to him and got mad at him for not texting her back and not making time for her. He knows itā€™s not okay. He knew it because no one would be okay with it and more importantly, she already expressed she was annoyed. He ignored it because it makes him feel better because if he did think about his actions and what he did to his ex, he would feel so incredibly guilty that heā€™d be paralysed from the realisation of what he did to another human being and the fact that heā€™s doing the exact same thing to Minato. Minato is a brat and needs therapy but heā€™s been open and honest since day one and said heā€™s hard to love because heā€™s jealous and insecure. Shizuma knows this but does NOTHING to make him feel more secure. Iā€™m talking text 3-5 times a day whenever you nip off to the toilet or to grab food or you have a quiet moment or in the passenger seat of a car going to your destination. Iā€™m talking setting healthy boundaries with others. Literally anyone can cheat because itā€™s about temptation and no one is immune to temptation. Not even the best monk. Thatā€™s why they practice abstinence where they STAY AWAY FROM TEMPTATION! They literally have to distance themselves because itā€™s so easy to stray from the path youā€™ve chosen. If he wants to show Minato that he wonā€™t cheat or leave, he needs to keep a good distance from other people and realise that smiles and being kind when itā€™s not necessary and laughing with a coworker when youā€™re meant to be going on a date IS the way you lose your partner. Those are all ā€œred flagsā€ and most people now donā€™t wait until you cheat. They leave you STRAIGHT AWAY.

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