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ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Our Sunny Days

It's been forever since I read something so wholesome I'm actually crying

Tentacles are for plot development y'all they are a metaphor for his manifesting desire idk what the hell I'm saying okay maybe just the authors fetish

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Payback

Chapter so intense I forgot it was yaoi for a sec

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Did It Work

Haha I love silly couples like this

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Smyrna & Capri


ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Sugar Rain

Finally some character development???

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Our Sunny Days

This is so pure and adorable hahaha

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of High Clear

Extrovert dates intovert hahaha

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Reunion

Yoo what's going on? What did he notice?

Absolutely love it when a chapter is just talking but gets you horny like full blown sex chapter

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Jinx

I can't get away from eating crap everyday so what makes me think I can stop reading this I'm trash too haha for enjoying this

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Forest Sea