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hikari created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

good for you baby. both of yall need to take a break and reorganize ur emotions

hikari created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

okaylah nak peram sampai 156, dahbupdate nanti roger

hikari created a topic of Solo Leveling


hikari created a topic of Absolute Control

what is milo doing here, go back to dn

hikari created a topic of Profundis

sampai nak terkoyak ha junor budak tu kau buat, ada hati nak ngajoknye tengok wayang

hikari created a topic of Gig of the Day

bang saya tahu kete abang tinted, tapi kalau abang buka lampu tu, tinted la segelapnya pun saya boleh nampak bang

hikari created a topic of 1 to 10

male authors writing bl never disappoints u

hikari created a topic of One Summer Day

remind me again what the shackles are for

hikari created a topic of PASSION
hikari created a topic of Double Trap

damn the ass placement really be a bussy

hikari created a topic of One Summer Day

thise two brothers arent related to our mc right?

hikari created a topic of Shota Oni

it’s a given that the mangaka has a lolicon. i mean look at the other comics from the same mangaka

hikari created a topic of Rainbow City

eee takut la zombie2 ni, tapi gberanikan diri jugak la baca(´°ω°`)

hikari created a topic of Jinx

padan muka hang, tudia la belagak sangat.