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ML need a MAJOR character development to be on the same level as the MC. He should either have been a cute dumb puppy since the beginning or need to have a major plot twist in the future that gives his character more flavor. Easily the blandest ML i read in 2023. Even irdit is far superior like 5 tiers higher.

BalmungFezalion created a topic of Shutline

The thing shin's most afraid is Jake getting killed. Since he's definitely already in love with him from all those hints he said before...wanting to help and be with him wherever he gonna go if thing goes south for jake...Shin's in love and he's afraid of losing Jake knowing how gangster gamble with their lives and others.

I wonder if he will feel relieved or betrayed once he knew the truth about jake

BalmungFezalion created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Sungho is confident his sexuality and attraction toward haebeom, both of them are...but beom is definitely will restraint himself more bc he definitely gonna be clingy
puppy bf just know we'll go crazy when the smut bc imagine a solid tank of a body lol blushing red with sexy tan bottom, YUM.

BalmungFezalion created a topic of Bring the Love

If there's stories about the other two brother. Brill and itachi lookalike younger brother

Both of them are gays with their own partner, i hope artist nim will publish a story about them too.

BalmungFezalion created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Girlie is so expressive she might not drawn as cute and esthetic as other bl babies, but she's got a real sass baby personality like a real baby does (aka my nieces) Easily my top 1 bl baby lol

And this author never miss with them romatic chemistry. Their couple is always green flags with amazing communication and complimenting opposite attraction

BalmungFezalion created a topic of Payback

Now i understand why he always avoided or keep silent when asked what he's gonna do after the revenge...wacko defiitely catch up on that already...i really want to read the novel but i dont want to get spoiled before the manhwa so ill just be patient lol

BalmungFezalion created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

It's gonna be GOOOOD now that tae moon knew his preference, he can go to town with no worry pervert bottom FTW!