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Zazum created a topic of The Beast Within

People say shes dumb, but come onnn she never been taught anything, not even read, how can she be smart?!?!? Just by being born?lol pls#-.-)

Zazum created a topic of There Is No Place for Fakes

Dad ignored most of his daughter childhood, not even thought of her as a human and now he loves her?? Bruhh, she became ,,more adult” and suddenly shes amazing? Lol shes a child ofc she will act like one

Zazum created a topic of He’s My Real Brother, Duke

The translation is killing me

Zazum created a topic of The Princess' Doll Shop

Its called the princess doll house so why the heck did i sobbed through more then half of it the cover looks so innocent …

Zazum created a topic of Bittersweet Sweet Darling

Ml is just so dumb lol wtf is wrong with him, why would he blame and hate uke and yet not even listen to what he got to say, if you not gonna research as to what happen to uke why dont just ask him??? Arrogant bastard lol Ceo my ass, pathetic..

Ik she will end up with the duke, but i just so not a fan of his… why not the guard why not the dam pretty ass priestლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Zazum created a topic of A Terrible Romance

Bruh, im so done with this, felt like its gonna go down hill at some point but…wtf
After all the spoilers, would rather save my nerves.dropped :) (︶︿︶)=凸

Zazum created a topic of Perfect Deal

Those eyes…. What happened(⊙…⊙ )