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rebecca created a topic of Bluelock

ness you have the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever

rebecca created a topic of Chainsaw Man

Plssss put down the pen for a bit

rebecca created a topic of Boku no Hero Academia
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rebecca add 1 photos to

U can tell its yuta bc of his big ass bug eyes

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rebecca add 1 photos to

Used as a weapon even after death FUCK EVERYOONEEEE

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And he will never forget about their fucking kfc breakup

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Why is yuta the only one who actually cares about him hes soooo everything to me

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And he always protected his students GOJO WHYD U HAVE TO DIEEEEE

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Like shoko pls

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Talk ur shit yuta

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Lobotomy kaisen

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Like fuck u and that stupid ass scar

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We really thought

rebecca created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

gege im killing myself infront of you to forever change the trajectory of your life

rebecca created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Atp just nuke the whole universe and kill everyone WHY CANT MY KING JUST COME BACK. Like this the second time we’re grieving him.. RIP my goat, my king, gojo satoru

rebecca created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

WHY CANT MY KING JUST COME BACK. Atp idc anymore kill everyone nuke the universe.. Like we got to see him but at what cost?? RIP my goat, my king, gojo satoru

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Dark shadows so tough

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Kaminari teaming up w the smart kids