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Agentine created a topic of Namidaame to Serenade

Kiku is bae. But I figure Hinako would eventually want Hina to take over her identity in the end - it's 2 birds with one stone, as this would mean Takaaki can freely go through the engagement and marry Hina, while Hinako can finally get the life she actually wanted with blondie.
I guess there's still the unsolved mystery of her granny giving her the "timemachine" necklace, though, which will probably give insight to why Hina(ko) look like twins.

I just always find it a bit odd with these stories, that the MC never seems to care for going home after a small amount of time, solely because of a love interest; quite literally abandoning everything and their whole life.

Welp, I'm quite taken by the story and characters though, so I'm in for the ride. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

imma let em cook, i couldnt get through 2 chapters and tried 3 times lmao

i can't even lie, im here for the romance not the politics in this manhwa and been STARVED, im happy we're getting smth moving finally

always such a joy to have the opportunity to read this. thank you so much to everyone involved in the translation of the chapters!

Agentine created a topic of Boy's Abyss

I for one find it really interesting to finally get her backstory. I'm unsure why any of you complaining, saying "just die" and "just end it", are still here, just drop it if you're not interested in reading it? so much negativity in the comments after each chapter, if the author is not your cup of tea, no one is forcing you to stick around - this has a similar pacing as their other works.

Agentine created a topic of Muse On Fame

im still confused about ML(?)'s actual feelings lmao, truly can't tell if he's genuine or if it purely is to help her become a star or whatever. ( ̄∇ ̄") I say "genuine", but he hasn't even really confessed, only that he's giving her what she needs which was love.

Agentine created a topic of Devil's wish

I feel like I just got isekai'd w the newest chapter

WOW the official translations/quality is a league of itself. makes me almost sad I started this wayyy back I advice everyone to take a look at the official prologue, it's so nice!

am i the only one who noticed its kinda funny that yamada was an average-looking guy with jb hair in the first chapter, and now he's a complete stud? artist really went through a glowup with their art

seohyun literally clinging to jiwoon like his life depends on it in the rain with the others is so fucking hilarious

Agentine created a topic of An Unseemly Lady

I just can't get used to the difference in the art, I'm truly trying my best but it feels clunky and the charm/pacing of the story is gone - it's a shame, because I really like the storyline and the topics it brings up.

Agentine followed a goer
17 01,2024

I'm glad that most comments are understanding of Ruby's situation, but it IRKS me with the victim blaming I see. I think those guys need to re-read the story, because Ruby was, even in her former life, physically abused HER WHOLE LIFE. She sees herself as unloveable and disgusting, that nobody will truly care for her when knowing everything she's been through - she sees HERSELF as the one being in the wrong/not good enough and not deserving of good treatment. This is being made even more clear by her bulimia; she can't even be in her own body and just wants some sort of control over her life - which she doesn't have.

She has been living her whole life acting like nothing is wrong and everything's fine, and let's not forget Iske's former treatment of her which was cold and indifferent, where she again was desperate for acceptance/him caring for her and had to do so JUST in order to survive. Them being in love NOW is great, but it's not so simple as "to just tell him" the heaviest and in her eyes the most disgusting "flawed" secret she has.

Sorry for the rant, but I just can't stand some of the stuff I'm reading.

Agentine created a topic of Devil's wish

I figure Oscar is the ML, as we've been told Gil already is preparing to get over his feelings and accepting her with someone else, whereas Oscar doesn't have that much of a complicated relationship with FL. Not to mention, she sees Gil as her younger brother and only has family love for him - they did grow up together as genuine siblings after all..... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ But who knows

but seriously tho, as bora says, why did jay not take any action throughout all those years (+ after coming back) if he liked her?

sorry, can someone remind me how Penelope ended up as the fake daughter? how has no one known the "real" daughter was someone else and who put Penelope there in the first place? like game/story-wise, not the Penelope we know?