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Connected the wrong dots and just went with his answer. I can totally see that they're related.

They're really meant for each other both smart on their own but stupid when together like how do you keep on losing your braincells whenever you are in the vicinity of each other??? Also the fact that there is literally a whole chapter saying they're a genius makes it even funnier, i love this so much omg

The fact that the fortune teller gave Jerry everything but also nothing because he literally gave all the hints to jerry but my boy lost his braincells with his pubic hair.

But i kinda understand her, ooolala gets his hair pulled because he is trash, heejae kinda dumped her for a netkama, and seyeon (not really his fault more like the game's fault) scammed (?) him. So i would be fuckin pissed too yk.

He really did a pavlov conditioning on his little brother's boyfriend

I love how it was built that growe is a very "dangerous and scary" individual but we can see him grow into a wife slave slowly but surely (▰˘◡˘▰)

I'm so confused on what is going on, it's like the author didn't know what they want to write, like the flow is so damn confusing

I would actually just do the last man standing part if they gave me a math problem on a dungeon

Why upload the official translation when the current translation is actually good ?? Now we have to wait for another 500 years for this to catch up.

Taeju's slow transition from red to green is so smooth

Aileen is the ending here, strong feeling

Dude's gonna disappear like the palace lake, deserve though

You've been contemplating for like 5 CHAPTERS OMYGOD THANK GOD YOU FINALLY GOT IT


It's still early in the story but I don't really like the blond prince for melody, it just doesn't make sense, she has more chemistry with the other son than the eldest.

Hahhhahahahha been waiting for him for a long time, phew. Finally the misunderstanding will be cleared

There is no chemistry between MC and the Duke like tf, but the character development of RiRi, that's what I'm hoping to see more.
Seeing riri in the original and seeing the real story behind why she became like that, she's the epitome of "villain's aren't born they're made"

It has been like couple of hours since you said you're getting revenge

I don't know if it's the translation or not but i actually didn't hate the blondish guy, he didn't do anything except lied to the ML, which could have been solve if the MC and ML actually talked. MC is portrayed as whiny bitch while ML is fucking indecisive the whole 15 chapter (for the past 400 years) like boy tf