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Pasta answered question about get to know you
Are you guys kidding? There are so many important professions that use math and numbers nowadays that help us run the world. A quick google search wouldn't do you much harm.
Pasta answered question about something that makes you happy
Tf? MAP "pride"? That shit exists?
Pasta answered question about confess to your crush
Lemontongue. I miss the dude
Pasta answered question about lmao
lol this 10 year old's going cray cray, someone call her parents or sum
Pasta answered question about confess to your crush
If no one's going to mention me there's going to be a lottt of koolaid for me to clean up
Pasta answered question about lmao
pfft you don't even need to read the whole thing to understand that this girl's a little stupid
Pasta followed a goer


The Office is LIFE~~~

You can always invite me to fight or brawl... I love drama too~~~

And yes I do have a life so I’m not on here always~~~

Now for some very important Christmas quotes......

“Yippy ki yay mother fucker”
- Die Hard

“Why’s the floor wet Todddd. I don’t know Margoooo.”
- National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

“And were gonna have the hap hap happiest Christmas.”
-National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

“We elves try to stick to the main four food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup.”

“Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things you can’t see.”
-Polar Express

“Bless this highly nutritious microwaveable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale.” 
-Home Alone

“Even if I wanted to go my schedule wouldn’t allow it!”
-How The Grinch Stole Christmas

.............hmm... you made it to the bottom? well I guess you’ve won my respect... hello my friend. take this~ <3

08 11,2020
Pasta answered question about talk to yourself
This happened back in 10th grade, my friend fell on top of me during P.E. and said "Bro, you're actually kinda pretty" I was like "wtffff that's so gay" I laughed it off and smacked him off of me. It was a real doki doki moment for me even as a straight guy
Pasta followed a goer

welcome children
@asukatf n tt 
my favorites include: 
19 days
When the Villainess Loves
Who made me a princess
i have become a crow
i have animal crossing? friend code:


status: um

08 11,2020
Pasta asked question about adopting cats

I usually just follow anyone who follows me, but what about you guys?

Pasta answered question about adopting cats
That's a secret we don't reveal ;)
Pasta followed a goer

Follow me on instagram for random 
content and if you wanna talk :)

Aka: your mom

08 11,2020
Pasta answered question about love someone till you die
Wait give me a second it's hard to type with one hand
Pasta asked question about read manga

I'm going to watch a GL anime and my mom's in my room wish me luck

Pasta answered question about confession
Wow, the Shakespeare of Mangago!!!
Pasta asked question about make fujoshi friends

Whenever I make friends or start getting close with someone, I feel sick. Even with my family, if I start getting too close to them, I'll feel uncomfortable. Why do I feel like this, and does anyone else feel this way with people?

Pasta answered question about make fujoshi friends
Can't relate, I'm livin' lavish