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străwberi created a topic of Taming the Tiger

Huhu im supposed to be doing my script for our computer pt but im out here crying his is the first time I've read a very angsty historical yaoi without skipping a chapter :D

străwberi created a topic of Solo For Two

This is too good, i need more ASAP

străwberi created a topic of Into the Rose Garden


străwberi created a topic of Super Lovers

I swear i saw a chapter spoiler from idek years ago where ren is an adult and uhh is it out yet ...

străwberi created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

I shouldn't have not read this chapter while listening to folklore now i feel like shit

străwberi created a topic of Arrogant otto the 1st

I've been giggling like an idiot for the past 5 mins help I love this

străwberi created a topic of Sunshine Shower

I love the blonde guy pls I love blonde dudes with golden retriever vibes yet they could still be serious and cool omg he looked so good in that one chapter where he was serious aaaaahhckk

străwberi created a topic of Unfinished Business

Annnddd I couldn't take it I had to find some site with more chapter, found one with 11 chapters and Idk how to feel abt the blondie since the backstory hasn't rlly been explained so.......... I love the mc sm pls he is so cute

străwberi created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

I feel so bad for yiseon gosh, he deseverves better i thought he was finally healing himself but I was so wrong T_T it just got worse

străwberi created a topic of Dark Fall

I hate myself for taking a liking to mephisto man

străwberi created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

Omg much chapter I've skipped (not rlly much) BUT I LOVE IT ITS HURTS SO BAD BUT I LOVE IT SO KCUH

străwberi created a topic of Share A Bed

God, im starting to hate the characters. Especially the uke, he should stop acting like that. This is getting frustrating dropping at ch24, I'll pick this up if I don't have anymore good ones to read and need an alternative.

străwberi followed a list

This is too good what the fuck im so happy I found this masterpiece i literally read it I'm less than 2 hours PLEASE i need updates

Omg kyle was so hot with his hair slicked back love the cuteness, wholesomeness and kyles possessiveness, 10/10.

străwberi created a topic of Who's Spying

Qaaa the cover is so pretty that's why I'm here (^o^) IM A SUCKER FOR PRETTY THINGS