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MAEU created a topic of Just Twilight

I seldome like fl and this girl is one of them. I like how she thinks and she knows her priorities.

MAEU created a topic of Spinach Bouquet
MAEU created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

I have a feeling that the sunbae is much more crazy than the lil bro. And then the delinquent looking guy is the real good one.

MAEU created a topic of Steel Under Silk

He's the prettiest mc I've ever seen in Bl genre.

MAEU created a topic of Limit Breaker

I haven't read this for a while and skipped to the revent chapter. It looks like the art style has been changed. The first one was better I think

MAEU created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

Ironic how sunny's name supposed to be a happy and bright person. He yearns for love and companion.

MAEU created a topic of Kingdom

I'm still in chapter 15 and oh boy, how I love the story. Also, I feel so sad for Piao. He did great.

MAEU created a topic of Gig of the Day

I like the thought process of this adorable mc.

How I love to meet someone like Yorita. So considerate, observant, Adorable, and caring.

MAEU created a topic of Cry Me a River

Erm, what's going on? Am I missing a chapter before this one?

MAEU created a topic of Hime Muko

This kind of art style is really nice

MAEU created a topic of Jinx

Doc dN, may I remind you that you are broke as shit so go and get that gift out of that trash bin and sell it for fucks sake.

MAEU created a topic of Boy Girlfriend

Ugh, I skipped to the latest chapter and didn't expect to get hurt emotionally.

MAEU created a topic of Steel Under Silk

It's about time.

Ps, the administrator is really a total green flag

MAEU created a topic of Gig of the Day
MAEU created a topic of Red Mansion

Is he green? Is he red? What is he?

MAEU created a topic of Darkness Before The Dawn

Hindi naman mashaket. Nyita

MAEU created a topic of Jinx

Doc dan is such a masochist. How can he like that bastard?

MAEU created a topic of Warau Oni ni wa Fuku Kitaru

I love this before and even more now because they went to Philippines. Hahah

MAEU created a topic of Spinach Bouquet