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天下第一好师尊's experience ( All 0 )

天下第一好师尊's answer ( All 8 )

If i saw a yaoi manga i WOULD DEFINITELY buy it. Except it would have the underage restriction. But still, i would get my mom to buy it for me. She's oblivious to things like this, she didn't even flinch when i flashed my yaoi wallpaper. She actually agreed when i ask her. Just that I've been going all around looking for yaoi manga to no avail, the......   reply
25 03,2017
Kageyama x Hinata, Kise x Kuroko, Aomine x Kuroko, Victor x Yuuri, Mika x Yuu, Hijikata x Gintoki, Karma x Nagisa, Sebastian x Ciel, Wolfram x Yuri (YES, i want Wolfram to top. Got a problem?), Sasuke x Naruto, Gray x Natsu, Kuroh x Shiro, Levi x Eren, Makoto x Haru, Rin x Haru, Nezumi x Shion, Kanda x Allen, Suzaku x Lelouch, Miyuki x Sawamura, G......   1 reply
04 03,2017
At first: Wait, thats what a penis look like??!! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Now: Haa ha haa *pants irregularly and nosebleeds* Give me more!!! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ   reply
04 03,2017
Kuudere usually, but when it comes to yaoi and bishounen and ikemen, you don't want to see my yandere side... ♢▼♢   reply
04 03,2017
Definitely the seme. It's my dream to top a cute uke , and ukes always attracted me more than the sexy, hot seme did. ...But i just realized, I'm a girl -_-❘❘ But to hell with that. I'm definitely seme material!! Plus I'm pretty sadistic   1 reply
25 02,2017

天下第一好师尊's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did school is stressful

literally finished making my study reviewer at 4 am in the morning because I chose to indulge myself in my free time

23 minutes
want to do i cant study for fuck's sake

good god (I'm atheist) I'm ruining my own by opening the textbook but that doesn't stop me from being on this website
kms tonight

2 hours
did online classes

they suck ngl

2 hours