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sirashi's feed

sirashi created a topic of Hime Muko

Sorry I don't get everything maybe because it's already midnight..

All I know is you can't fuck if your a Miko (I forgot the name) Because your the wife of God and if you did you will turn back into a human right?

Isn't kind of irresponsible for him to run away with him without preparing for the next Miko? I mean without a Miko means no healer I don't know what I'm talking about or if I'm making sense I know he just want to be normal like before but the image of Miko that's been trying to protect by the previous Miko's make his decision irresponsible for me
I mean you can do whatever you want when they are finally another Miko to replace him

Or Maybe I didn't get what's happening i don't know anymore I should sleep please correct me if I'm wrong and explain what's happening I just want to understand the story