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sirashi answered question about question
ah yes definitely not me trying to paint Levi
sirashi answered question about make a picrew
she a knight princess in disguise
sirashi answered question about question
sirashi answered question about weird mangago questions
i did think about that before but then i came back to my sense cuz why bother die just to be gay when im already a girl and i think being gay will be hard since the society is against it
sirashi answered question about yall ever just feel sad
i thought that if you love each other you'll get a big tum tum then boom baby
sirashi answered question about make a picrew
sirashi answered question about question
sirashi answered question about make a picrew
im probably the laid back, quiet older brother who hates noisy people and an older brother who will always help you out
sirashi answered question about question
rather than want to look like i just want to be cheerful, brave, confident and who doesn't care about perfection
sirashi answered question about confess to your crush
sirashi answered question about psychological counseling
all i want in life is to have a simple house all by myself and have a stable life
sirashi answered question about make a picrew
I want todoroki and bakugou ლ(´ڡ`ლ)