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alex-chan created a topic of Hanakoi Tsurane

I knew that both of the grandpas were gay for each other when they kept bringing up the grudge and how they were super close and then one day just stopped talking. I hate being freakin right because now my heart is freakin broken. Just like the main male leads, they weren’t allowed to love each other because it wasn’t acceptable especially because of how talented both of their families were and the pressure it’d be to start their own families. It freakin sucks because if they honestly were to follow their heart it’s possible the Kabuki family businesses would have suffered and not only affect both of their careers but also their other friends and families as well and if that would’ve happened they would never be able to perform together again. Which is something they both loved and were incredibly passionate about. I think that’s why he knew that their love on stage had to stay their and that’s why the other leads grandfather knew that they could never play roles together because it would just pain him and be a reminder that they would never truly be together. It’s freakin tragic and I’m so sad right now. I wonder how things will progress now for our beautiful couple