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alex-chan created a topic of Boku no Hero Academia

Hmm I really want to talk about this chapter but since I’m not an MHA manga reader and honestly my opinions would not be valid since I haven’t read it from the beginning nor really know about the Todoroki fam history but honestly I think when Dabi’s origin is fully shown I’ll think I’ll come back and meanwhile will go back and finally read it from the beginning. But I just wanna say that MHA has really been portraying Endeavor as a villain from the very beginning despite ironically being number 2 hero, but now is truly showing now that it might not fully be that case; because I feel like a lot people/fans forget in a lot of many cases especially toward many main MHA characters how the idea of “quirks or hereditary quirks” have caused characters trauma/fortune/misfortune that has put them in a certain position in society/dividing what’s right/wrong, good/evil and also many other problems especially now in the MHA society, and since quirks is not really something of ones own control, you can’t exactly put the full blame all on one person nor others because it’s something that’s just developed a modern quirk society (● ̄(エ) ̄●)