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Amazing Illustrations☘<span class=

One of the perks of reading manga is I get to see and go a gaga over these fabulous illustrations. Kudos to all manga artists who drew these works of art!!!
2016-08-27 14:01 marked

For the most part no cause it's super hard for me to voice my opinions and needs especially in public. I can't even ask waiters and what not for water when eating out. It's terrible. I'm a wuss. I suck at socializing and it puts me at a big disadvantage making going out less fun and just difficult. But I have to say- I really love solitude. Being a......

2016-08-08 07:25 marked


Its nice to see all couples from the BL Manga's that i've read theyre all
2016-05-27 08:00 marked
2016-05-27 04:09 marked

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