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nao217 June 28, 2021 5:35 pm

Yo ngl when he started thinking of Fabians childhood, i thought he would pull the "you know that makes sense so everything he's done up to now has been justified". Finally a story where they didnt put up with it and try to justify it. You shouldnt justify these horrible acts, specially if youre the victim. Its not fine. I hate how not just in yaoi but even in straight stories youd have assholes who are like "youre mine and nothing you do would matter so stay put and just be with me" bich then get a sex doll. It wont run away, it wont hate you, it wont talk back you absolute fucking clown. Bich literally said i dont need your heart, great, give up on humans and jack off to 2d and inanimate objects then idiot.

Ofc i wish he'd live happily with his brother and family, but at the same time that would make everything built up to this pointless then.

nao217 May 30, 2021 3:48 pm

MAAAANNNNN when she clapped back by saying "you were the one who dragged me to divorce" was the best comeback to "yOuRE tHe oNe i WaNt". THEN ACT LIKE IT. Man this manhwa riles me up so bad XD (i do wish for her to be happy tho legit)

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Unpopular Yaoi Opinions? 12-17 08:00
Unpopular Yaoi Opinions? 12-17 07:58

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