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Prana June 6, 2024 12:46 am

May be I am seeing , imagining , and reading things in a opposite filter…
To think I never knew what ugly means till now … thank u I am going back to being an earthworm digging the ground .

Prana June 5, 2024 10:14 am

Please no redemption arc or any such shit . I can’t wait for when mc will divorce him and live a peaceful life. This is one of the very few mantras in which I don’t want any redemption arc .. can someone spoil me what happens?

    Nathaniel June 5, 2024 5:00 pm

    Theres hardly any redemption... But they sorta are together in the end.

    So for the spoiler (take it with a grain of salt cuz thats just what i remember):

    Liqing divorces him and goes back to song mansion. Qiyu tries to get in but nobody lets him. He overhears that Liqing has blood disease from the doctor friend.

    Pei comes to visit Liqing and at one point he says he needs to leave and take his fathers place cuz hes dying. Liqing sees him off but while coming back passes out from blood disease. 2 scholars find him and i think leave him either in a ditch or a casket or sth (in which there already is a dead pregnant woman), cuz they hate him getting special treatment. Liqing wakes up to the dead woman having given birth to a live baby so he takes it and wanders off cuz hes lost and blind.

    Qiyu searches for him, everyone does, even pei. They have a deal with pei that if qiyu finds him, pei wont pursue him and vice versa.

    Liqing gets taken in/kidnapped by some dude and liqing lies to him saying the baby is who qiyu and everyone are searching for. The dude is creepy and wants to fuck liqing. Since liqing can write the dude wants him to forge some "painting" or poem or sth to gift to pei for his bday or sth. Liqing includes hidden inconsistencies and hopes that someone will notice.

    Qiyu comes to pei asking if he has found liqing, ofc he says no. And he receives the painting from the creepy dude and is like "ok thanks" but qiyu notices that its liqings handwriting, so they both bust into the room to save liqing.

    now my memory is blurry but i think they went to oeis castle and liqing was pretty sick. At some point qiyu steals him and takes him with him to personally find the cure plant thing and liqing literally is slowly dying as they go further.

    They get attacked by some rebels (they steal shit leave and then encounter again?) one of which is hu nuers brother. Since liqing told him about hu nuer and him dying as not a slave, he was thankful. Then Liqing is on the verge of death and the brother tells qiyu to give him this special poison that kills a person in 3 days, that is, liqing probably has less so it technically prolongs it. And says to take him to a jade chamber on the mountain because it will pause that until they find a cure.

    Qiyu does that and tells pei so they both do everything to search for the cure. After a year qiyu comes to visit cuz hes invited to peis wedding and he also wants to hear if he has progress only to see liqing there. Hes still blind and also "has a mind of an 8 year old", basically he lost memory. And qiyus loud voice makes him scared lol.

    Anyway the Liqing (that "has a mind of an 8 year old" btw) has agreed to marry pei cuz hes dying and yknow, might as well, and he'll inherit his shit and the baby will be ok too, etc etc.

    Qiyu is furious but cant do anything cus he cant force anyone to do anything + liqing amnesia + he has literal ptsd reaction from qiyus voice. So qiyu decides to be quiet and let it happen.

    Liqing does come to his room cuz he smells the food qiyu is cooking and i think qiyu doesnt say anything and just quietly watches him. They have these sort of gentle interactions and i think liqing calls him a kind guard or sth (cuz qiyu said hes a guard or sth not to scare him i guess cuz he knows its him hes scared of).

    Btw qiyu offers to fix his eyes, liqing doesnt want to take someones eyes, Qiyu offers his eyes and they do the surgery and qiyu says he'll just take some slaves eyes and fix his own later.

    Pei goes crazy cuz liqing doesnt like him and some dude offers to hypnotise him to love him.

    Some attack happens (i think) and qiyu takes liqing back to his castle and liqing says thay they need to go back to help pei. They go back, pei is furious and wants to kill qiyu. Hypno dude hypnotises liqing to stab qiyu. Qiyu kills pei and hypno dude.

    They go back and are fine with each other now, and the baby is with them

    More or less thats it.

    Prana June 6, 2024 12:36 am
    Theres hardly any redemption... But they sorta are together in the end.So for the spoiler (take it with a grain of salt cuz thats just what i remember):Liqing divorces him and goes back to song mansion. Qiyu tr... Nathaniel

    Heyy thanks for the spoiler.
    WTF …. Just wtf… they should have stopped at getting divorce … that way it would have been at least 0.0000001% better.. as usual I am speechless at Qiyus audacity for things , his uselessness and worse than trash personality but the author could have saved her sanity by stopping at divorce … the author just lost it .

    Nathaniel June 6, 2024 1:40 pm
    Heyy thanks for the spoiler.WTF …. Just wtf… they should have stopped at getting divorce … that way it would have been at least 0.0000001% better.. as usual I am speechless at Qiyus audacity for things , ... Prana

    Yup. Absolutely agreed...

    Like it would be better if there was actually any improvement in qiyu, but he literally stayed the same throughout. The only thing that changed was that in the beginning he didnt trust Liqing and then he comes to trust him. He doesnt change as a person at any moment really, he does everything the same way more or less.

    Prana June 6, 2024 1:46 pm
    Yup. Absolutely agreed...Like it would be better if there was actually any improvement in qiyu, but he literally stayed the same throughout. The only thing that changed was that in the beginning he didnt trust ... Nathaniel

    No.. that Qiyu guy is better dead than living since all he can do is bring misery and despair .. he was a lot case since the beginning….

    Nathaniel June 6, 2024 2:52 pm
    No.. that Qiyu guy is better dead than living since all he can do is bring misery and despair .. he was a lot case since the beginning…. Prana

    Actually rather than dead the best ending for me would be that he has to live and watch liqing be happy without him while he rots away.

    In the previous reply i just said it would have been better than the actual story cuz there would at least be a point to it. The story as it is now has no actual development or character improvement, not even a bad one.

    Prana June 6, 2024 3:06 pm
    Actually rather than dead the best ending for me would be that he has to live and watch liqing be happy without him while he rots away.In the previous reply i just said it would have been better than the actual... Nathaniel

    Yesss that would be so better !! Seeing him suffer .. what a vision!! Easy death is not it (▰˘◡˘▰)

Prana June 5, 2024 12:49 am

I hate cliffs eyebrows .

Prana June 5, 2024 12:24 am

Someone please spoil me the day Caesar dies or gets killed or gets kicked out !!!

    ILovemywifus June 5, 2024 12:42 am


    Idk if he gets killed in the end (I stop reading the novel ) but last time I checked he made run for it after everyone found what he was doing to my sweetheart Ruby

    ILovemywifus June 5, 2024 12:49 am
    Spoilers ......Idk if he gets killed in the end (I stop reading the novel ) but last time I checked he made run for it after everyone found what he was doing to my sweetheart Ruby ILovemywifus

    I forgot to add that he also tried to take her with him after all of that

    Prana June 5, 2024 12:51 am
    Spoilers ......Idk if he gets killed in the end (I stop reading the novel ) but last time I checked he made run for it after everyone found what he was doing to my sweetheart Ruby ILovemywifus

    Ohhh that’s better than him staying here with a puchable peaceful face … btw when was the last time u read , which chap ? Are we near ???

    ILovemywifus June 5, 2024 1:20 am
    Ohhh that’s better than him staying here with a puchable peaceful face … btw when was the last time u read , which chap ? Are we near ??? Prana

    I honestly don’t remember because it’s been quite a while since I’ve read .

    (人 •ᴗ•) June 5, 2024 6:54 am
    I honestly don’t remember because it’s been quite a while since I’ve read . ILovemywifus

    How long do you think we are until everyone finds out what he did to Ruby? And above all, how will people react after seeing the kiss???

    ILovemywifus June 5, 2024 1:50 pm
    How long do you think we are until everyone finds out what he did to Ruby? And above all, how will people react after seeing the kiss??? (人 •ᴗ•)

    I think that’s gonna be the next chapters , Ellen’s reaction was all over the place but somehow she could tell Ruby did not want her own brother . Ivan was like ah hell nah and Freya took it as an opportunity.
    Maybe 5-10 chapters before the actual thing goes down .

Prana June 2, 2024 1:42 am

Bro should have investigated first .. he could have captured them and then confirmed and then killed if needed.. now if this turns out to be truth what is he going to do to ppl who are dead

    SpaceGirl868 June 2, 2024 2:20 am

    It is sensitive information. These people weren't supposed to know. They were already thinking to sell the information to neighbouring countries. They would have had to die regardless if it had true or not

    Prana June 2, 2024 8:39 am
    It is sensitive information. These people weren't supposed to know. They were already thinking to sell the information to neighbouring countries. They would have had to die regardless if it had true or not SpaceGirl868

    Yeah what they tried to do was wrong.. trying to sell the information away..they definitely deserve to be punished or may even be executed… it’s just the ml doesn’t know anything what the researchers learned so first knowing and then killing would also have been better maybe ..

Prana June 1, 2024 1:40 pm

Some please spoil me what is Leo trying to do ╥﹏╥! And the guy the marquise ortio pulled aside is her husband ?

    weshta June 1, 2024 2:42 pm

    I wanna know too (/TДT)/

    Bluelight June 1, 2024 3:28 pm


    So she's passing notes to ppl she knew were not on the emperor's side and getting them to leave the banquet hall. Later, when the emperor called her over, she pretended to be a young kid who didn't know anything while they chatted and said stuff that caused the royal servant to yell at her for being rude. And what do kids do when they get scolded? They cry. So Leo cried while yelling for her dad and 'lost control' of her fangs, and her fangs caused the emperor to fall embarrassing on his butt. Ofc the rest of the ppl in the hall trembled/fell from the terrifying fangs too. From then on, she was never invited to future parties at the royal palace anymore, which was the goal of Leo. XD

    Dumpling June 2, 2024 10:00 pm
    Spoiler...... ....So she's passing notes to ppl she knew were not on the emperor's side and getting them to leave the banquet hall. Later, when the emperor called her over, she pretended to be a young kid who d... Bluelight

    THX U!!you are a life saviour now I don’t have to repeatedly go back here checking for any updates

Prana May 31, 2024 7:32 am

Did he just forge his grades ?

    Peace June 6, 2024 3:48 pm

    Yeah, I think it's because he's gonna send it to his mum

Prana May 31, 2024 12:57 am

Just the prev chap the mc was hating this guy .. and this chapter turned around fast ah

Prana May 31, 2024 12:30 am

Why doesn’t he admit that he was that beggar ? Before he thought he would kill him but now he knows that he won’t kill him right ? There is no need for this act right ?

    Nick_name May 31, 2024 1:14 am

    He doesn't want to stay there. If him being the beggar is found out he loses all hope of ever getting away from that guy.

    Prana May 31, 2024 6:28 am
    He doesn't want to stay there. If him being the beggar is found out he loses all hope of ever getting away from that guy. Nick_name

    Ahh I see … thanks!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Prana May 29, 2024 2:12 am

Will my girl ever be happy? When will this family trust her and when will that shit blondie (liz) double face be revealed? PLEASE SPOIL SOMEONE !!

    AllyReader May 29, 2024 3:11 am

    Yes she will be happy . Liz double face will be reveal close to the end when she tried to frame Edith for stabbing her with a knife while Edith was locked in prison.

    Prana May 29, 2024 6:28 am
    Spoiler .........Yes she will be happy . Liz double face will be reveal close to the end when she tried to frame Edith for stabbing her with a knife while Edith was locked in prison. AllyReader

    Thank god !!!Thank you so much for the reply!!! Can u tell me one more thing? Is it so far in future ? Goes long approx from now?

    icecoffee1111 May 29, 2024 3:33 pm
    Thank god !!!Thank you so much for the reply!!! Can u tell me one more thing? Is it so far in future ? Goes long approx from now? Prana

    some one said that chp 60 is chapter 95 in the novel and there are 134 chps total so we are close to the end

    Prana May 29, 2024 3:44 pm
    some one said that chp 60 is chapter 95 in the novel and there are 134 chps total so we are close to the end icecoffee1111

    I see… thank you !!

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