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May be I am seeing , imagining , and reading things in a opposite filter…
To think I never knew what ugly means till now … thank u I am going back to being an earthworm digging the ground .

Prana created a topic of Silent Lover

Please no redemption arc or any such shit . I can’t wait for when mc will divorce him and live a peaceful life. This is one of the very few mantras in which I don’t want any redemption arc .. can someone spoil me what happens?

Someone please spoil me the day Caesar dies or gets killed or gets kicked out !!!

Prana created a topic of Drick's Heat

Bro should have investigated first .. he could have captured them and then confirmed and then killed if needed.. now if this turns out to be truth what is he going to do to ppl who are dead

Some please spoil me what is Leo trying to do ╥﹏╥! And the guy the marquise ortio pulled aside is her husband ?

Prana created a topic of Crucial Point

Did he just forge his grades ?

Prana created a topic of Profundis

Just the prev chap the mc was hating this guy .. and this chapter turned around fast ah

Prana created a topic of The Demon Leader's Lover

Why doesn’t he admit that he was that beggar ? Before he thought he would kill him but now he knows that he won’t kill him right ? There is no need for this act right ?

Will my girl ever be happy? When will this family trust her and when will that shit blondie (liz) double face be revealed? PLEASE SPOIL SOMEONE !!

Prana created a topic of Love Without Loss

He is the green fields!!! Green greener greenest !

Prana add manga to list Cool fl

If I accepted his offer and became his Empress at that time, would I be able to live a little longer...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Fantasy / Romance
Prana followed a list

Welcome n enjoy ur stay |ω・)و ༉ 

Only BLs btw! 

Eggplant lovers come forward!! (≧ω≦)

= triggers
= more info


Without further ado, let's go get em huge anacondas!

11 days
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Just me at 5am, instead of sleeping, I'm reading these addictive manhuas.
I DEF don't have a lecture today in couple hours, nah no wayyy heh... damn

= my rating

11 days
Prana followed a list

Hewwo and welcome! ₍₍ ( ๑˃◡ ˂๑)◞♡


        BL only!!!

= triggers (do expect violence, too bothersome to put)
        abuse: could be physical, mental, verbal, sexual etc.

= my rating
 (5=absolute fav, 4=very noice, 3=goodie, 2=meh, 1=nah)

= mayb +1 star


         Get ready for some psychologically draining and
         emotionally terrible manga!

11 days
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when the bottom literally gets filled and sometimes 
can see the tops dick poking thru bottoms belly 
orrrr top presses down on bottoms belly while he’s in
there might also be scenes when the uke says “too full/deep”

* holy trinity= all three in one chapter 
belly bulge/ belly press/ too full/ too deep

yo those belly presses are probably my favorite
especially when the top starts saying stuff like 
“can you feel me inside you” AHHHH BYE

 recommend plz  ♡

Tags: big dick
11 days
Prana created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

Not ravi plsss !!!Hey girl don’t talk that emperor.. I don’t like him for some reason , just ignore him.