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verminbrat answered question about disturbing thing you saw
can't believe some people don't know about that one yuri on ice dj... the world is healing
verminbrat created a topic of Debut or Die

even if the duke gets a redemption arc somewhere along the line, i'll still wish death upon him idc

YoU DoN’T NeeD iT siNcE yOu’Re noT a WomAn

that has to be a disease or something bc no way did this man choose to make his dick look like that

verminbrat created a topic of Which Do You Prefer?

thank you so much for picking this up !! <3

why would you upload over shoira (ss.fujoshi) when they were literally the original uploaders and made it VERY clear that they were going to continue uploading ? even stealing other scanalation group's work,, if you want to upload so much then please talk to shoira or go to a manhwa that actually needs translators....

verminbrat created a topic of Elizabeth

can we thank the author for this fan service of theo

verminbrat created a topic of Elizabeth

fuck alexis, all my homies hate alexis

so can we talk about how my girl just got skewer kebab-ed..??

that's so embarrassing for him pls

verminbrat created a topic of Efforts Never Betray

the author doesn't have social media but there's a post on their blog with the afterthought/concept that all the characters are actually actors,, which is pretty sweet since the ending was so dark
^^^the blog post -

verminbrat created a topic of Secret Lady