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I can't help but sob my way out of this what the fuck that hurts so bad ;-;

Only here for the absolute handsome of a man(he looks like an expressive yoo joonghyuk) not the rape(s)..

Me when when me me i me when will me when

Nothing too bad for the disliked ones, the mean/average dislike ive gotten is around 5-6 so heres my most liked/bugged comment ever LMAO There are several comments, highest non bugged likes, around 40-50-ish but this one was just ridiculous lol

Those who complained about Tomochi's sensei work, first time newbie?

JaysAndJakeSupremacy created a topic of Solo For Two

THIS IS SAD WTF but im in it anyway...

The story is so elongated to the point that it feels deformed hence, unrecognizable atp. You may be fine if you're new but if you're OG from the beginning, most of us find this extremely/terrifyingly and excruciatingly slow. Last time i remember reading the raw where the flashback first started, LAST YEAR. I could be exaggerating cuz its to the point where i no longer remember how long it has been. Its like a story you dropped and found by chance after 5 years.

And in my honest opinion, the author couldve opted to make the flashback in the main story short and do the rest of the flashback as a series of side stories. The dead stop of the present timeline is just... unfortunate.

JaysAndJakeSupremacy created a topic of Dark Fall

This is the only flashbacks to past I absolutely adore unlike certain manhwa *PHLEGMONOUS COUGHS* ETERNAL FUCKING COVENANT *BLOODY COUGHS* sorry i coughed.

JaysAndJakeSupremacy created a topic of Koi to Dangan

The way they keep on making Yuri to be a literal woman of a yakuza, strong, independent and is able to proudly hold her head high is ANGST in ITSELF and Oya always facing death ushhwgejwvsjwv i cant its just crazy

Ngl this feels like it was written by a teenager in love and is seeking a bit of angst for the sake I feel like this is what a 12-15 y/o would write and eventually stopped updating lmao

As for someone who made maki chan, IM NOT SURPRISED BUT I AM STILL TERRIFIED

Alexandra is probably the only realistic MC ive ever seen to have used up 24 hours in a day productively, even more than I and many other people do lmao

Wowowowo yoo joonghyuk? Am i seeing you or am i seeing you lMAO WHY IS HE EVERYWHERE


JaysAndJakeSupremacy created a topic of Jinx

Yo dude thanks for blocking me, sadge you're clearly terribly hurt by the truth;) posting this until u see it lmao cuz i, myself, love to get my points across.

Apparently if you dont know, there are proper ways to sound a complaint. Complaining about shits/shittalking the way the story goes simply because it doesnt fit your morale is just an act of self entitlement, aka, WHINING. You can hate a character or a story, by all means, go on, but just what do you get from whining in an illegal reading site, exerting your tenacious morality or was it all masked in your need to be right?

You can be right but my point stays, ITS UNNECESSARY to whine about a cliche bl with a shitty character to begin with, as if you don't know where and how's the story gonna go (geez have you seen the author's other work/BJ Alex?)

Matter fact, there are WORSER things out there but that would be a different issue and all I see here is another terribly disturbed ego that you cant help but eat my words the wrong way and get hurt by it. The same way you assumed I liked a rapist and made it as if its a factual rebuttal point, you really need to grow up ugh.

Ps; your word, people can comment on what they want, so im commenting on your absent-minded replies. But if you really think you have a say in telling me to shut up? Think again. Much love.

JaysAndJakeSupremacy created a topic of Jinx

If you're having a hard time with this read, remember, not everything deserves an opinion which also translates to, stop whining or stop reading altogether^^

Its funny but early chapters gave major smls vibe around ethan, hes just.....such a second male lead material and theon is the opposite but like the fact that its aLSO the OPPOSITE which ethan is the actual ml, its so...IDK REFRESHING? NEW? EXTRA INTERESTING? Its like i cant even give it a name, he feels like a sml but hes the actual ml so honestly its a win win, i dont get to suffer from smls and/or its like the second male lead is given a chance this time lmao

Also fuck you carsunofabitchnon, even death will never justify the shits youve incited and imo, too weak of a redemption. You deserved much more than death, even hell wouldn't want you. I CURSE YOU.

JaysAndJakeSupremacy created a topic of Swordmaster

225/259 light novel. So far so good i have no complaints other than the fact that it has been quite repetitive but each repetition introduces new variables,,,which wasnt so bad. Story has the flow that is constant that can keep you engaged despite feeling a bit dragged. But all good cuz i believe it is all the buildup thats essential in a good story. Would highly recommend! 8/10

Also, if you wanna start with the novel, chapter 87 currently aligns with chap 119 of the novel :)