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Nikkidiary's feed

It's pretty cute, but I'm not too fond of Commander's slight arrogance.
Guess that's one of the things Alexei grew to like, though.
Also, while I understand his concerns of Alexei simply beig swept around or being someone who is seemingly too carefree, I think it's almost ridiculous how he didn't even want Alexei to meet with his family and friends until Alexei reasons with him - he's not even familiar with his family, and already he views them in a negative manner, with the whole "I own Alexei now" as his main reason.
Still, it's supposed to be a cute and sweet story, and Alexei is such a lovable and beautiful-looking character, plus I'm definitely thinking too much about that bit, being that it's supposed to be lighthearted, so it's just a slight dissatisfaction on my part, I suppose.