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Nikkidiary created a topic of Hello to Happiness

I just feel disappointed, even if I probably shouldn't be.
It's like eating a pie, enjoying the crust, but the inside is disappointingly hollow. Ah, well. I'm still going to read it all to make sense of it, and then simply put it aside.
To think I've waited so long for the ending, and kept anticipating the next chapter every time. Still, I'm glad that I got to see the end, it'd be painful to keep pining for it, hoping for a particular type of story, or a particular type of ending. Still, this is the author's work, and this is their ending. Whether or not it pleases people, it is the genuine ending to this story. As such, I'm grateful to the people that allowed me to be able to see its conclusion as it's supposed to be viewed.

I couldn't see the novel version even when I tried looking for it. It's okay, since the manga version can be read, but... I really also want to read the sequel!

Looks like there's more.
I hope there would be extras wherein they show the different "villainesses" aside from Pia living good lives.
I want to see how their lives turn out.
More importantly, considering how dangerous Caroline's cookies are, she must be kept in strict surveillance all her life, lest she shares the recipe or does it again.
If we're to really get evil, having her eat the cookies she made and realize its effects may be a shortcut for her to understand a bit more of just what it is she's been doing. On the other hand...

I guess there's nothing more to be seen of the guys whose engagements have been broken. I think they'll be seen as shameful for what had happened to them, even if it wasn't really their fault. The prince might reason with the king, that he was under the influence of the cookies, and maybe the others might try the same. Maybe some of them will reason that their ex-fiancees are no-good to begin with, and point out their flaws, or maybe they'll just go abroad, seeking to get away from malicious gossip and poisonous stares. Any other way they go, Caroline single-handedly ruined their lives. Maybe they'll avoid cookies from now on.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Learning to Love You

So far I liked the relatively detatched attitude the main character had. I'm also liking that she is starting to acknowledge the changei n her sentiments, feelings, and goals. But... why would you go on a blind date without letting him know? I mean, I kind of understand the reason why she's decided to take this path, but it's almost like she's being wishy washy instead of determined. If he decided to go on a blind date for whatever reason without telling her, it would probably make her feel pretty upset too, no matter how detatched she is. Not to mention, when he does learn of it, it's definitely going to cause more problems than solutions.

The king of Dagenhelm was not ja king, or simply a monster. That guy is more a force of nature, one that is never tamed, nor is predictable. Just as Sylph has gotten his interest, it might also be fairly easy for that interest to be snuffed out like a candle.

Considering Sylph, don't think it's likely, but it's always been hinted to be the case.

If Sylph had given a conventional answer, the king would not fault her. He'd likely even oblige her -
But the choice she picked and the path she's chosen is one that definitely interested him, and likely contributed to his entertainment for that day, and possibly the following days. If she spared Kanna, she'd be a heroine. If she killed Kanna, she'd be a villainess. But since she picked a different path - one remarkably almost like that of a spectator like the king, she has cemented herself as Sylph - but in the grand scheme of things, it might be as she says - two villainesses and a monster.

There is no path of redemption, so she's always going to pose danger - if we think about it the choice Sylph was going to make regarding Kanna's punishment was already hinted - (Kanna said the heroine will never truly be happy so long as the villainess is not vanquished because of potential danger, whereas Sylph said she'd prefer a happy ending wherein both sides are living just fine.) But what she chose as Kanna's punishment was definitely something I did not expect.

I wonder if the King would stick around and listen to Kanna's tales, if Sylph would frequent the dungeon to hear those tales, or if there's some other audience to verify if she does indeed spin those tales.

And considering Kanna's desperation, she's likely to be able to spin 365 tales - would she spin them like she had spun them in Luxborg? Does she really have special powers? What would she do if she's set free after succeeding - would she go and try ruining Sylph again? Now, she's the villainess who poses a threat to Sylph's ending - but this is Sylph's version of a "happy ending", so one can't complain. I'd rather this than have her turn back on the words she proclaimed with such conviction. It makes her, her.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Omukae Shibuya-kun

I kind of want to see a spin off of Kanda's love story, and who he will end up falling in love with. If his histories are anything to go by, it's probably going to be someone quiet (the people he came to like are the relatively quiet, somewhat outcast types), but that person must have enough confidence and strength to stay by his side, unlike his first love.

At the same time, I don't know what's up with the Dad.
Looking at the mom's character and his personality, I can't help but think she was duped. She who lived and longed for a sweet love, and he who lived to enjoy himself, for himself, and no one else. Simply put - a tragic love story that didn't even seem to begin at all, a dream that never became anything. I hope that from this point on, the mom would mature more and focus on her children, and maybe they can cut off that guy from their lives.

I wish there was also an extra wherein I'd see the future of all the characters -
Aika and Shibuya's family life, Rizu spending time with her older brothers, Shibuya's mom taking up a job and living happily, Pon visiting everyone, etc.

But in a way, the story is happily concluded at least, so it may not be overly happy, but has its own gentle version of a happy ending.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Gokurakugai

Just when I was about to be sad it ended as a oneshot, I learn that it's turned into a series!

I kind of want to read about what their life would be like after a few years. I think the author would still make them a couple - would Aku be less clingy? I imagine it would be hard to restrain himself, but maybe he might just succeed, considering how he was able to somewhat progress within this story. Maybe he'd be the one fetching Suu from gatherings and the like, just waiting outside for him with a smile. Then, when he meets with someone particularly suspicious (like that guy who forcibly grabbed Suu last time) he's gonna go back to activating stalker mode, get discovered anyway, and then apologize repeatedly.
I don't know what Suu would do in the future - considering his life before meeting Aku, he'd still meet with lots of his friends of course, but other than that...

I guess they'll have the dynamic of dog and owner in the future.

It's setting is cliche, but these revenge-type plots work so well. I admittedly got hooked after reading only 5 chapters. It's the usual: ptiiful MC goes back in time as a "better" person and faces her greedy mother and her jealous stepsister who were previously the ones who caused her tremendous pain.
She doesn't go all out and declare war, no no, she bides her time and doesn't act aggressive - like a calm pool of water with its murky depths concealing the turmoil below.
Instead, with a gentle smile and a perfect attitude, she watches everything carefully, and so far, the jealous stepsister has sabotaged herself without so much movement from the MC, and the cousin is the only one she "amicably" dealt with so far.

Putting societal issues aside, this has been full of contradictory stuff.
Mom abandons little boy? It's a misunderstanding to protect him. (And it wasn't resolved - nope. And I don't think it's a matter of "they can't do anything about it - bwcause the Asahinas are pretty powerful by their own right, and what's the loss of one particular omega when they have so many? Just how many babies must she have for them to be satisfied? And it's all brushed under "peace" and that " she is happy in her own way, she's probably okay with all this.")
Dad of Asahina Reiji is terrible for only wanting an omega to birth an alpha heir and doesn't mind shady dealings, but he's actually happy to see his son married to the person he likes in spite of the means.
Guy with a past with Asahina Reiji causes a big amount of trouble but it turns out he just had a small fight with his current lover.
Kisaragi Akito is rather upset with Asahina Reiji having a potential past of sleeping with someone else before meeting him, but he has a similar past. Even if he needed to do it to survive + being abandoned, it's still similar.
And yes, afterwards, the classic no-communication thing appears. Can't he at least talk to Reiji first? With the way he ran away with just a few words without any explanation, it's a good thing that in the last part, he didn't run away due to some weird misunderstanding again and fought for their happiness.
The premise is a little commonplace of pitiful guy x rich handsome dude, but the stuff Akito gets into, as well as some of his sentiments (what kind of excuse is "I didn't tell you I was married because I wanted us to be friends?" It's another matter if he was trying to figure out the identity of the husband, but...) is a little tiring to read. I don't hate it, but I'm not particular into it and all feelings of sweetness are overwhelmed.

It can be cute and fluffy, but it can also be tiring and somewhat frustrating.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Bokura no Issen

It's unfortunate, too, that apparently based on someone's comment, it seems the timeskip was about to happen in the next chapters. Which means we'd seen a grown-up Ageha and a slightly older Sakura.

It doesn't have to have the best cleaning, or the best translation (at least comprehensible english that allows story to be conveyed properly), I just want to see the rest of the story.

I like the 3rd and 4th story. It goes beyond the classic attraction and the dynamic is cute and funny to behold.
3rd story is basically smart capable boy x hopeless cute boy.
4th story is bold senpai and his kouhai who appears to have been strung along.

Somehow, it all feels rushed and so many loose ends are not tied up together nicely. What about their two friends? Are they never going to be friends with Jake ever again? What of the Carnivores - are they going to live in exile forever? Surely some carnivores are also going to be like that Carnivore gang. It all feels like everything is rushed and the rest to fill the gaps is pure speculation: Robin likes Jake, but then he doesn't, then he does. The leader liked Jake, but being disappointed he was quick to disregard him without hesitation and with as much hatred as he could muster as if he was a herbivore. Speaking of which, even his past wasn't detailed - all that's left is speculation. It's like, "This is what happened, this is how the characters feel, make sense of it and read through breezily." I read the author's notes, and I get that it's meant to be a shorter story, but it feels incomplete - kind of like that other webtoon- Bitten by Moonlight. At least the people's sentiments in that story are clearer. It's hinted there may be a potential sequel. Please make a sequel. I liked this story but I wish there was more to detail everything and make the missing fragments connect to make a full picture instead of tracing things with one's mind.

I was really looking forward to reading more of this when it first came out.
I was wondering how they were going to spin this tale when they had previously broken up - while I understand that considering his position he was probably in an arranged marriage, even the tall guy doesn't appear to believe in the possibility of the father being in love with him. Still, he's pretty hopeless.
However, the reality is that it doesn't look like this will be updated anytime soon, or at all. It's been 2 years since.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Mikansei Chorus

I randomly saw this manga suggested and I saw that the artstyle was remniscient of the 2000s. It's a oneshot, so I decided to give it a try, and I think it's a cute little story. I think Dark-haired guy may be somewhat interested in the MC, but with his harsh attitude and his awful words to her then puts the violinist in the lead.

I really like this story. It's plot heavy and compared to the 3 other manga I read before this, this manga really got me hooked. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the story, and hope that while there should be a conclusion (they accomplish their goals or find a new goal to strive for) they can someday enjoy their not-so-ordinary lives.

I get that the whole point of them not being a bonded pair is to "prove" true love or something, but if he goes in heat and Shige isn't around, there might be an alpha who does something, and all that will be left is regret.
In a way, bonding is also a form of protection for the omega. Now, if only there was also a way to properly bond an alpha too...

It feels incomplete even if there's obviously an ending.
In the end, it just feels like everything is forced.
Light-haired guy is acting selfish.
Dark-haired guy didn't even identify his feelings to the end. Does he love light-haired guy or is he just doing his best to keep them together? And is light-haired guy really happy that the dark-haired guy might not even like him the same way? It's like it's hanging in suspension and only made stable by the fact that they are each other's most precious people.
I guess I'll just go on and proceed to think that on their next spring break, dark-haired guy has realized his feelings for light-haired guy as implied by his thoughts after light-haired guy left for Tokyo onwards.
At least the artstyle is pretty.

Is it too much to wish that I get to see them finally spend time as lovers together, with no conditions, after that much pain and suffering?...Guess I'll just have to imagine everything from that conclusion onwards